Community Land Statement

Community Land Statement

Statement Date 29/12/21

The community council has engaged a lawyer to apply to register the land that it currently rents to members of the local Llanwinio community.

The reasons why it is doing this are as follows:

1)     The community council has been renting the now enclosed land to the local community continuously for over 50 years and further back to the early 1900’s.

2)     The rents gathered have been used for the greater community benefit (this has included supporting the local school before it closed, purchasing Llanwinio Hall, Blaenwaun playing fields, repairing Llanwinio Church, and supporting charities that benefit the community). It was agreed that this was an essential continued source of income for the ongoing benefit of the greater Llanwinio community.

3)     There is some concern that someone outside of the community could try and claim some form of ownership which means it would be lost to the community.

4)     It would secure the land for the ongoing use and benefit of the community. Members of the community could apply to make use of the land to meet any community needs where there is a long-term plan.

5)    It is not currently registered as a common

As some members of the community believe that it is incorrectly not registered as a Common the Land Registry will be informed of this.