Council Information

Introduction about the work of the Council

The Community Council represents the tier of government closest to the people. The Council is responsible to their local electorate. The Council consists of seven elected Councillors. The Council operates in accordance with statutory powers and duties.

Up until 1974 the Council was known as the Llanwinio Parish Council. The Council became the Llanwinio Community Council following the Local Government Act of 1972.

The Council is accountable to local people and has a duty to represent the interests of the different parts of the community equally. The role of the Council is to promote the local area, represent its interests and support the work of local community groups. We try to ensure that local perspectives are considered when decisions are being taken that affect our community.

The Council works closely with Carmarthenshire County Council representing the interests of the community.

Llanwinio Community Council provide the following services:
Meets the cost of electricity at the Llanwinio Community Hall.

Public information signs and notice boards

Public seating and bus shelters
Public street lighting

War memorial

Provides and maintains the Blaenwaun playing field for community use